How to Print on Stand up Pouches

Last updated: December 26, 2023.
Writen by :
Eric Lu
Marketing at Bagnpouch

Get ready to explore stand-up pouches, or "doypacks" . These stylish and functional packaging innovations have changed product presentation and storage.

Custom printing on these pouches is more than just adding colors; it's an opportunity for brands to weave their story, establish their identity, and connect with consumers directly.

In this post, we'll delve into the essentials of printing on stand-up pouches.

Whether you’re a packaging veteran or new to the field, our aim is to demystify this process, making it accessible and engaging.

We'll explore various printing techniques, guide you in realizing your design ideas, and highlight the trends shaping the future of pouch printing. Let's dive in! 🚀🌈

Pre-Printing Considerations

Stand-up pouches are flexible packaging solutions that can stand upright on their own due to their unique construction. Some common types of stand-up pouches include flat-bottom pouches, gusseted pouches, and quad seal pouches.

The materials commonly used for stand-up pouches include plastic films like polyester, polyethylene, and aluminum foil.

These pouches come in different sizes and shapes to accommodate various products, from food to cosmetics, praised for their practicality and adaptability.

Custom Designing for stand-up pouches

When custom designing stand-up pouches, there are several key aspects to consider.

The Art of First Impressions: When it comes to stand-up pouches, the design is king. It's the first thing a customer notices. A well-designed pouch is not just a container; it's a statement. It reflects your brand's personality, values, and even your commitment to quality.

Function Meets Fashion: It's all about finding that sweet spot between looks and usability. Features like zippers, spouts, or handles aren't just functional; they're part of the pouch's charm. And let's not forget, the design needs to accommodate these features seamlessly.

Eco-Friendly is the New Chic: Sustainability isn't just a buzzword; it's a responsibility. Incorporating eco-friendly elements into your design, like biodegradable materials or recycling symbols, isn't just good for the planet—it's good for business.

Legal and compliance considerations

Legal and compliance must be considered when printing stand-up pouches. It guarantees your packaging meets all standards and requirements.

Here are four important factors to keep in mind:

  1. Labeling requirements: Different countries have specific regulations regarding labeling on packaging. Make sure you understand and comply with these requirements to avoid any legal issues.
  2. Product claims: Ensure that any claims made on your packaging are accurate and supported by evidence. Misleading claims can lead to legal trouble and damage to your brand's reputation.
  3. Ingredient listing: Clearly list all the ingredients used in your product to comply with regulations. This helps consumers make informed choices and ensures transparency.
  4. Safety warnings: Label your product with allergen information and usage instructions. This improves consumer safety and regulation.

Printing Techniques for Stand-Up Pouches

We'll discuss stand-up pouch printing methods now. Choose from digital, flexography, and rotogravure printing.

Each technique has pros and cons, so choose the perfect one for your needs.

Digital Printing

Digital printing is a versatile and efficient technique for printing on stand-up pouches. With digital printing, you can achieve high-quality prints with vibrant colors and intricate details.

Here are some key points to understand about digital printing:

Pros of digital printing:

  • Quick turnaround time: Digital printing allows for faster production compared to traditional printing methods.
  • Cost-effective for small quantities: It is more affordable to print small runs with digital printing, as there are no setup costs involved.
  • Customization options: Digital printing enables you to easily personalize each pouch with unique designs or variable data.
  • Reduced waste: With digital printing, there is less material wastage as you can print only the exact number of pouches needed.

Cons of digital printing:

  • Limited color range: Digital printing may not offer as wide a color spectrum as other printing techniques.
  • Costly for large quantities: When printing in bulk, digital printing may become more expensive than traditional methods.
  • Surface limitations: Some materials may not be suitable for digital printing, so it's important to choose the right pouch material.

Flexography Printing

flex printing plate

Flexography printing, another effective technique for printing on stand-up pouches.

It uses flexible, rubber-like plates that roll ink onto the pouch. Imagine a high-speed, modernized version of the classic stamping method.


  • Speed and Efficiency: Excellent for large-scale production.
  • Cost-Effective for Bulk: Lower per-unit cost for big orders.
  • Versatile: Works on a variety of materials and surfaces.
  • Consistent Quality: Delivers reliable and uniform prints.


  • Initial Setup Cost: Creating plates can be expensive.
  • Less Detail: Not ideal for extremely intricate designs.
  • Longer Setup Time: Requires more prep than digital printing.

Rotogravure Printing

gravure printing plate

Rotogravure, often simply called gravure, is the maestro of high-detail printing.

This technique uses engraved metal cylinders to transfer ink onto the pouch. It’s like etching your design into metal, which then creates stunningly detailed prints.

Here are four key points to consider about rotogravure printing:


  • Exceptional Quality: Superb for intricate, high-resolution images.
  • Durability: Prints are long-lasting and resist wear.
  • Efficient for Large Runs: Ideal for very high-volume orders.
  • Consistent Color: Delivers uniform ink distribution across runs.


  • High Initial Costs: Engraving cylinders can be pricey.
  • Not Suited for Short Runs: Best for stable, long-term designs.
  • Longer Production Time: Setup and changeovers can be time-consuming.

How to choose the right printing method for stand up pouch

Choosing the right printing method is like picking the right tool for a job. It's all about matching your needs with the strengths of each technique. Consider these:

  • Quantity: Are you printing a few hundred or a few thousand? Digital is great for smaller runs, while flexography and rotogravure excel in bulk orders.
  • Quality: Need high-end, detailed images? Rotogravure is your friend. For standard quality, flexography works wonders.
  • Cost: Budget constraints? Flexography is cost-effective for larger quantities, while digital printing can be economical for small batches.
  • Turnaround Time: In a rush? Digital printing offers the quickest turnaround, whereas flexography and rotogravure require more setup time.

So, there you have it! Whether you're a startup testing designs or a large-scale producer, understanding these printing procedures can help you choose the proper colors and styles for your stand-up pouches.🖨️🌈🛍️

The Printing Process Step-by-Step

Transforming Ideas into Reality: Embarking on the journey of printing on stand-up pouches is a blend of art, technology, and precision.

Each step in this process is crucial, taking your initial design concept and meticulously transforming it into a vibrant, tangible product.

Let's break down these steps and delve into the fascinating world of printing!

Preparing the artwork: design software and file formats

Crafting Your Design Masterpiece: Think of preparing artwork as laying the foundation of a building. It's all about precision and attention to detail.

  1. Design Software: Choose a design software that you are comfortable with and that supports the features you need. Popular options include Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and CorelDRAW. These software programs offer tools for creating and editing high-quality graphics and designs.
  2. File Format: Save your artwork in a format that is compatible with the printing process. Common file formats for printing include PDF, EPS, and AI. These formats preserve the quality of your artwork and ensure that it can be easily transferred to the printing equipment.
  3. Color Mode: Set your artwork to the correct color mode for printing. The most commonly used color modes are CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) for full-color printing and Pantone colors for specific color matching.
  4. Bleed and Safety Zone: Include a bleed area in your artwork, which extends beyond the final dimensions of the pouch. This ensures that there are no white edges after printing and cutting. Additionally, leave a safety zone within the artwork to prevent important elements from being cut off during production.

Plate making (if applicable).

Creating plates for transferring artwork onto stand-up pouches is a key stage in the printing process. This step is required for flexographic printing.

The plates act as a template, carrying the design onto the surface of the pouches. Plate making typically involves the following steps:

  1. Artwork preparation: The design is converted into a format suitable for plate creation.
  2. Plate material selection: Choose the appropriate material for the plates, such as polymer or rubber.
  3. Plate exposure: The artwork is transferred onto the plate material using UV light or laser exposure.
  4. Plate development: Excess material is removed, leaving only the design on the plate.
  5. Plate mounting: The plates are securely attached to the printing press for the actual printing process.

Ink selection and color management.

Selecting the right ink and regulating color for stand-up pouch printing follows plate manufacturing. This step ensures your printed design is vivid and correct.

water based ink
  1. Types of Inks: Choose an ink that is compatible with the material of your stand-up pouch. It's important to choose an ink that adheres well and prints nicely on varied surfaces. Topicaly, the water-based inks are common for their eco-friendliness, while UV-curable inks dry quickly and offer durability.
  2. Color Matching Systems: Systems like Pantone ensure that the colors you choose are exactly what gets printed. It's essential for brand consistency.
  3. Color consistency: Standardized ink mixing ratios and rigorous printing monitoring ensure consistent color reproduction across print runs. This will prevent pouch color differences.
  4. Environmental considerations: Consider using eco-friendly inks that are low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to minimize the impact on the environment.

Printing process: a step-by-step walkthrough.

Bringing Designs to Life: It's showtime! This is where your designs leap off the screen and onto the pouches. Let’s break down how this magic happens for each printing method.

Digital Printing

  • File Prep and Proofing: Start with finalizing your design file, ensuring all elements are correct. A digital proof is often created for a last check.
  • Machine Calibration: The digital printer is calibrated for color accuracy, ensuring that what you see on screen is what gets printed.
  • Inkjet Technology in Action: Modern digital printers use advanced inkjet technology, spraying tiny droplets of ink precisely onto the pouch.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Throughout the printing, the machine is monitored for any discrepancies in color or quality.
  • Instant Drying: Most digital printers have an integrated drying system, making the ink dry almost instantaneously as it's applied.

Flexography Printing

  • Plate Creation and Mounting: High-quality polymer plates are crafted from your design and mounted onto the rollers.
  • Ink Mixing and Color Matching: Inks are mixed to match your chosen colors. Flexography uses a wide range of ink types, from water-based to solvent-based.
  • Precision Alignment: The machine is meticulously aligned to ensure each color layer is perfectly positioned.
  • High-Speed Printing: Flexography is known for its speed. The press runs at high velocity, applying ink from the plates onto the pouch material.
  • UV Curing (Optional): Some flexo inks require UV curing for instant drying and added durability.

Rotogravure Printing

  • Engraving the Cylinders: The design is engraved onto metal cylinders, one for each color, with incredible precision.
  • Ink Application: The engraved cylinders are dipped into ink tanks, filling the recessed areas with ink.
  • Direct Transfer: The ink is directly transferred from the cylinder to the pouch material, resulting in sharp, high-resolution prints.
  • Synchronized Drying: Each color layer is dried before the next one is applied, ensuring no smudging and crisp layering.
  • Long-run Efficiency: Rotogravure is especially efficient for long runs, maintaining consistent quality throughout.

Quality control: ensuring consistency and clarity.

Ensuring Excellence in Every Print: Quality control is the guardian of your brand’s reputation. This will help you make stand-up pouches that satisfy your standards and impress customers.

  • Pre-Press Proofing: Before the full run, a sample is printed for approval, ensuring the design meets expectations.
  • In-line Inspection Systems: Many printers use advanced cameras and sensors to detect any printing errors in real-time.
  • Color Consistency Checks: Regular checks are done using color spectrophotometers to maintain color accuracy throughout the run.
  • Physical Inspections: Operators regularly inspect the printed pouches for any defects in printing or material.

Every printing method has its own steps, complexity, and checks.

Learning about these procedures lets you choose the ideal one for your project, guaranteeing that every stand-up pouch produced represents your brand's quality.

Post-Printing Processes

Beyond the Printer: Final touches. Your stand-up pouches look great after printing!

However, there is more. The cherry on top is post-printing, which makes your pouches robust and market-ready.

Let's walk through these essential finishing touches.

Drying and Curing Methods

  • The Art of Drying: Drying is crucial. For digital and flexographic prints, the ink needs to dry completely to avoid smudging. This is usually done using heat or UV light. Imagine it as a mini spa session for your pouches, where they get pampered to perfection.
  • Curing – The Strength Training: Curing is about making sure the ink is not just dry but also firmly bonded to the pouch material. In UV curing, for example, the ink is exposed to UV light, which initiates a chemical reaction, hardening the ink. It's like a workout for the ink, making it stronger and more resilient.

Additional Processing

  • Lamination – The Protective Shield: Lamination involves applying a clear, protective layer over your print. It's like a bodyguard for your pouch, defending against moisture, oxygen, and other environmental villains.
  • Varnishing – The Glossy Makeover: Varnishing adds a protective coat and can give your pouch a matte or glossy finish. It's not just protective armor; it's also about giving your pouch that extra zing, making it stand out on the shelf.
  • Special Effects: Sometimes, you might want to add special effects like metallic foils or tactile elements. This is where your pouch gets to dress up, adding a touch of elegance or fun, depending on your brand's personality.

Packaging and Shipping Considerations

  • The Right Packaging: Once your pouches are printed and finished, they need to be carefully packaged. This could mean anything from stacking them flat to prevent creases or using protective wraps.
  • Shipping Smart: When it comes to shipping, think about the journey your pouches will take. Will they be stacked on pallets? Shipped overseas? Each scenario might require different packing strategies to ensure they arrive in pristine condition.
  • Ready for the World: Finally, it’s time for your pouches to make their grand debut in the market. From being a digital design to a tangible product, they are now ready to meet your customers and make that lasting impression.

After printing, stand-up pouches must be protected and perfected. From drying to shipment, each step adds value, ensuring your stand up pouch looks beautiful, travels well, and lasts. 🌟📦🚚

Future Trends in Stand-Up Pouch Printing

Embracing Tomorrow’s Innovations: The future of stand-up pouch printing is an exciting fusion of technological breakthroughs and environmental mindfulness.

Digital Advancements and Automation

  • Speed Meets Precision: The future of digital printing promises even faster speeds without compromising on detail. It's like having the agility of a sprinter with the precision of a ballet dancer.
  • Personalization at Scale: With digital tech, the dream of mass customization is becoming a reality. Picture printing thousands of pouches, each with a unique design or personalized message, at the click of a button. It's like giving each pouch its own personality.

Sustainability Trends

  • Eco-friendly Inks Take Center Stage: The rise of biodegradable inks marks a shift towards more environmentally responsible printing.
  • Recyclable and Compostable Materials: The materials used for pouches are also getting a green makeover. More and more, we're seeing recyclable, compostable materials coming into play.
  • The Circular Economy: Future trends focus on the complete lifecycle of pouches, promoting recycling and reducing waste.

TThe future of pouch printing is all about being smarter and kinder – smarter with advanced technologies and kinder to our planet with sustainable practices.🌍🖨️🌿


Bringing It All Together: As we wrap up this guide, let’s highlight what makes stand-up pouch printing a blend of art, precision, and strategy.

Key Takeaways

  • Pre-Printing Prep: A successful print starts with good design and understanding your materials and regulations.
  • Choose Wisely: Digital, flexography, or rotogravure - each method has its strengths, so pick the one that suits your project’s needs.
  • Quality First: From artwork preparation to the final quality check, focus on excellence at every step.
  • Green Printing: Sustainability isn’t just a trend; it’s a responsibility. Embrace eco-friendly practices in your printing journey.

Embrace Excellence

Quality printing can transform a simple pouch into a powerful branding tool. So, aim for excellence, and let your pouches make a statement.

Let's Talk Pouches!

Thinking about a custom pouch project? Our team of experts is here to help.

Whether you’re starting out or ready to print, contact us for guidance and let’s create something outstanding together. Let your brand shine through every pouch!

Where Flexible Packaging Comes Alive!


Looking for inspiration?

Creating an eye-catching design for custom packaging can be challenging. Our in-house graphic designers are here to help! Or, take inspiration from designs by our previous customers and create something totally unique.
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